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Today, I will show you a few things you should do if you want a man to cherish you…
Be crazy over you...
How to make yourself irreplaceable…
It doesn’t matter if he’s your husband.
Someone you ever want to marry.
You want to have a happier man.
You are working on having a better relationship.
If you ever want him to pop the question.
There are ONLY 7 basic needs a good man wants to keep him crazy over YOU.
But most men are afraid to communicate for fear of looking 'soft' or 'needy.'
Learn these, and he'll worship the ground you walk on.
There's this one thing you must DROP because it's affecting one of the main reasons you get married in the first place.
Especially nowadays, with the dynamics between women and men or husband and wife shifting.
You are using your feminine energy. Use it to get him to depend on YOU as much as you on him.
The only 3 things you truly need to nurture in ANY man to make yourself irreplaceable to him. (This one thing alone makes the book a fulfilling read)
Learn the true meaning of submission. Why does the version that is so popular but wrong sound like being a slave, shutting up, cooking, cleaning, and serving
But the one you should subscribe to is the way God meant it to be and the only way you should go about it.
NOW, I'm no stranger to criticism, but before you jump down my throat and think this book is about you putting in all the work while he just continues to be him…
This is more about how you can get what YOU want from your husband.
We all know the fastest way to get what you want is by depositing positive energy and effort into whatever it is consistently.
And "How to Get a Man to Cherish You" is all about how to do that.
Here are some facts about the book:
This isn't just for married women. This is for married women, dating women, women who want to be married one day.
This isn't a book about making women do all the work and not holding men accountable, but I'm not going to give it all away.
Invest your time by reading and let me know what you think. I can only get better with your feedback.
You may ask: How do you know this stuff works?
I'm a certified life and relationship coach, but more importantly, I've coached hundreds if not thousands of women and men on their relationships with more than positive results.
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With love ❤️,
Stephan Speaks